PilkGuns | Pilkington Competition of Monteagle, Tennessee

Course of Fire for ISSF 25m Standard Pistol

This is a very rough outline of ISSF Standard Pistol. For the rules in their
entirety see the ISSF Website.

Standard Pistol is a 60 shot match fired over 25 meters. The target is the same as for 50 meter Free Pistol and 25 meter Sport Pistol and Center Fire Precision.

Pistols can be any 22LR repeater (revolvers are allowed but not altogether practical) with a maximum barrel length of 153mm, maximum sight radius of 220mm and it must fit into a box with internal dimensions of 300 x 150 x 50mm. There are specific grip and other dimensional restrictions, such as height of bore line, but all pistols built for ISSF competition would conform to these rules. There is also a minimum trigger weight of 1000 grams.

The match allows for one five shot sighting series in 150 seconds.

Scoring shots consist of three stages of four five-shot series, making a total of sixty scoring shots. The first stage timing sequences are five shots in 150 seconds, the second stage are five shots in 20 seconds, and the final stage are five shots in 10 seconds. As in all ISSF competition, the arm must remain at 45 degrees until the targets begin to face (or the green light comes on if using electronic targets).

Targets are normally scored after every five shots. This is because of malfunctions (alibis for NRA shooters). Should a pistol fail to cycle or misfire, the shooter may refire the series, but the lowest five shots will be counted. One malfunction is allowed in the 150 second section, and a total of two malfunctions in the timed series (20 and 10 second stages).

Should two or more shooters tie for a major placing, a shootoff is held. This consists of three series of 5 shots in 10 seconds. If scores are still tied, further 10 second series are shot until the tie is broken.

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Pilkington Competition
P.O. Box 97
Monteagle, TN 37356
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354 Little Trees Ramble
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